Trigger Point Pain Relief
Trigger Point Pain Relief
Trigger points are areas of knotted muscle that cause severe, localized pain. But trigger point pain can include nerve irritation that pops up in other areas of the body, too. Trigger point pain is felt beneath the skin and the affected area often twitches if touched.
The primary muscles that are affected by trigger point pain are generally those of the lower back, arms, legs or neck. But trigger point pain can result in chronic tension headaches as well.
People who suffer from myofascial pain disorder may also find relief through trigger point pain therapy injections, especially if other treatments have been tried and have failed. Myofascial pain syndrome is a condition that may happen after a repeated injury or due to muscle over-use. When applying pressure to a sensitive point in a muscle, it can cause pain in an entirely different area.
What to expect during trigger point pain injections
Trigger point therapy by injection is a gentle, minimally invasive outpatient procedure that requires no sedation and can be done in very little time. When needed, the doctor injects the area to be treated with local anesthesia before administering the injection. If local anesthesia is used, you should expect the treated area to be numb for a few hours. The trigger point therapy should alleviate pain for approximately one month. But every patient reacts differently to the medication, so your results may vary.
Often, the goal of the injection is the reduction of trigger point pain in order to allow patients to continue to get on with their daily lives between and during any other therapies that are being undertaken. During your initial visit with the doctor, they will help you determine if trigger point therapy injections are a good choice.